Successful implementation of IT projects requires a careful approach. In order to ensure our projects run smoothly, we have combined the classic Waterfall method with Agile elements. Following that concept, our projects are divided into six phases: diagnosis, analysis, design, configuration, deployment and operation.

In order for the process to run efficiently, we carry out the diagnosis and analysis stage directly on the implemented system, while the design and development phase is divided into various sprints so that completed work is regularly verified and systematically delivered.

What our customers gain from this approach?

■ Maximum security and transparency

■ Schedule and budget planning is carefully monitored

■ Project risks for partners and customers are reduced

■ High control over efficiency and success of the project

■ Close cooperation, communication and coordination

■ Complete and unified project documentation

■ Scalable to companies of all sizes

■ Adaptability to any project type: local, global, de- or centralised

■ Functionality presented during the workshops and some parts directly adjusted

■ Customer can see and try the system

■ There are fewer misunderstandings

■ More agility

■ Early involvement of key users

■ Increased quality

■ Shortened project timeline

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